Although it’s looking pretty bleak and wintery outside we’ve been spring cleaning.
For a while now, we've wanted to freshen up the homepage and add some new features. Don't worry, you won't find any sparkly mouse trails, surprise music or glittery unicorn pop ups galloping across the page, although face it...that does sound good. If you’re a regular customer, placing orders and the checkout process is the same as usual.
As our stationery offering has grown and continues to grow, there have been a couple of things on the list that we’ve wanted to get sorted before adding more items this spring.
Along with a small overhaul of the homepage, we’ve got a new sidebar menu which makes navigating between categories easier. Also, if that planner you’re after is out of stock, there’s a box where you can pop in your email for an automatic back in stock notification. Along with a couple of other nifty additions and features, we're super happy with the mini makeover.
It’s taken a while and some tinkering to get the look right and we’ll probably tweak bits and bobs along the way too. We hope you like the new look!
We're really looking forward to adding lots more awesome stationery in the next couple of months. If you want to be the first know about new items from amazing brands like mt masking tape, masté, galison and seeso graphics (amongst others), make sure you're following us on Twitter or Facebook. Of course, we'll also be shouting about all the lovely new stuff here on the blog too.
Have a happy weekend!